Managing Database with pgAdmin.

3 min readDec 6, 2020


pgAdmin is the most popular an open-source management tool for PostgreSQL databases, that can be used on Linux, Unix, macOS and Windows. Some great features of pgAdmin are a built-in SQL editor and importing/exporting csv, text files.

Downloading pgAdmin application

  1. Download pgAdmin application here.
  2. Once the download complete, double click the downloaded file to begin the installation. Follow the installation instructions. During the installation you will be asked to set up the password for the superuser(postgres) and select the port number (5432).
  3. Open up pgAdmin app from the Start Menu. You also going to enter PostgreSQL superuser password, the one you have created during the installation.
  4. After entering the password you get access to your pgAdmin app. On the right top corner of the page you can see Servers.

By clicking right you can create a new server for connection to your databases.

Ensure to fill out necessary fields as shown below.

After clicking save you should be able to see all your Postgres databases.

Congrats! You are connected to your databases !

Managing DB

Clicking on your db you will see a tree menu. To access and manage any table in DB go to Shemapublictables . Right click on table will show you the menu with many options. Go to View/Edit DataAll Rows as shown below.

By clicking All Rows you will see the table columns and rows (on the right side).

From this window you can edit your data by double click on any cell. After editing data and clicking OK ensure to press F6. It will save your changes!

Great features of pgAdmin is a Query Editor which you also can open by Right click on the table and choosing Query Tool. You can write SQL statements and click the play button to execute. Your results will show below the editor on the Data Output tab.




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